Helping people achieve
their highest potential.

Throughout my career, assisting others to find their path and maximize their possibilities has brought the most satisfaction – this was the catalyst behind founding Seminal Coaching. 

Building trust, establishing credibility, and managing relationships are foundational elements of my coaching.

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My penchant for working in partnership with individuals and teams – cultivated across 35 years of professional experience spanning management consulting, product design and academia – allows informed support tailored to each client’s unique needs.

My understanding of the nuances of executive leadership is garnered from 25 years of management consulting – both in service to clients and as a partner. My grasp of the challenges and rewards of career evolution, inflection points and transitions is derived from my support of others as well as my own professional journey – enabling a unique relatability and partnership with each client in service of their distinctive goals.

My coaching is further informed through training, and I am a graduate of Georgetown University’s Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching program.

While my coaching takes many forms, it is always grounded in helping clients achieve their objectives, remove obstacles that stand in their way, and become more effective leaders – in whatever way that takes meaning for them. 

- Scott